How to write ladder logic in Simulink?

조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
John 2018년 7월 24일
답변: Kiran Kintali 2019년 4월 22일
I've used Matlab for many years now. Back in the early 1990's, as a control systems engineer, I used ICOM software very effectively to write PLC programs and emulate them. I would like to actually write ladder logic and see it operating in emulation mode like I used to do with ICOM which was bought by Rockwell and never was quite as good and a lot more expensive. Anyway, it may be wishful thinking, but it would be nice to be able to write and run "live" in emulation mode like I used to do (in ICOM and early RSlogic) plus add all the great stuff Matlab and Simulink have to offer. Logic is really easy to see in the ladder graphic versus the CS if-then and-or text style. I may have missed something, but it appears that the efforts so far have been to convert "if-then" logic to PLC code rather than utilize the power of a ladder "circuit" graphic coding environment. Hopefully its already there and I've just missed it. Thanks, John Rodgers

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Kiran Kintali
Kiran Kintali 2019년 4월 22일
Hi John,
Can you please check the capability to import and generate ladder diagrams in Simulink PLC Coder?
Import Rockwell Automation Studio 5000 Ladder Diagrams into Simulink for simulation and verification. Generate Ladder Logic for CODESYS, Studio 5000, and PLCopen XML formats. Validate generated Ladder Diagrams by generating and executing the test bench running on the IDE’s emulator.

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