I have problem with my coding. Attempted to access LPi(4); index out of bounds because numel(LPi)=3. Error in PDF_Repi_Mw_amax_PGA (line 286) if LPi(i)<5.0;

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
for i=1:length(rd) for j=1:length(amaxnew) %for k=1:length(Ksigm) CSR(i,j)= 0.65*(amaxnew(j))/g*(dt(6)/Di(6))*(rd(i))*100; %end end end
% % % saving pga curve in a file CSR1=[amaxnew(j), CSR(j)]; CSR1=CSR'; fid_X=fopen('CSR1.txt','wt'); fprintf(fid_X,'%3.6f %2.6f\n', CSR1); fclose(fid_X);
%Ksigm = (Di(i)/Pa)^(f-1);
%Calculate Cyclic Resistance Ratio (Ovando Shalley, 2015 and Andrus Stocke, 2000) Vsl = 200; % unity = m/s soil with 35% fines %Vsll = 220; % unity = m/s, soil with 20% fines %Vsll = 215 - 220 m/s soil with 5 % fines a=0.022; b=2.8;
for i=1:n;
CRR(i,1) = a*((Vsc(i)/100)^2)+b*(A(i,1)-B(i,1))*MSF(i);
%curve fitting Vsc vs CRR f = fit(Vsc,CRR,'poly2');
%sorting the Vsc [Vscsorted,I] = sort(Vsc); CRRsorted(i) = CRR(i);
%Calculation Factor of Safety -FS CRRsmooth = f(Vscsorted)*2; for i=1:n;
J=10; K=0.5;
%Calculation Liquefaction Potential Index - LPI n=length (depth); for i=1:n; if FS(i) <= 1 && depth(i)<20; % F=1-Fs LPi(i)= (1-FS(i)).*(J - K*depth(i));
else if FS(i) > 1 && depth(i)>20;
LPi(i)= 0;
%Evaluation Liquefaction Potential
fid_X=fopen('Liq_BH2095.txt','w'); for i=1:n if LPi(i)<5.0; disp([num2str(i),'Not_Liquefaction']) teks_i = 'Not_Liquefaction' else disp([num2str(i),'Liquefaction']) teks_i = 'Liquefaction' end
fprintf(fid_X,'%2.4f %2.4f %2.4f %2.4f %10s\n', depth(i),CSR(i), FS(i), LPi(i), teks_i);
end fclose(fid_X);
%Plot grafik depth vs LPi FigXY1=1606; clf(figure(FigXY1)) set(FigXY1,'Position', [60 342 1600 556])
plot(depth,LPi,'b'); grid on xlabel('depth, m'); ylabel('LPi');
%title('Grafik Shear Wave velocity'); grid on view(90,90) set(gca,'yaxislocation','right') hold on [xi, yi] = ginput(1); fprintf(1,'Depth = %f\n',xi) %#ok<PRTCAL> LPi=LPi';
%yi = input('Masukkan nilai x =') Liqline = [LPi xi(ones(length(depth),1))]; plot(Liqline(:,2),Liqline(:,1),'-r','linewidth',2) text(xi,yi,[num2str(yi),' ',num2str(xi)],'HorizontalAlignment','right',... 'Margin',10) text(5,4,'LIQUEFACTION','HorizontalAlignment','center',... 'Margin',10) text(16,4,'NOT LIQUEFACTION','HorizontalAlignment','center',... 'Margin',10)
%Plotting Figure FigXY1=1708 clf(figure(FigXY1)) set(FigXY1,'Position', [60 342 1600 556]) plot(f,Vsc,CRR); grid on; xlabel('Vsc(m)'); ylabel('CRR [m/s]'); % view(90,90) % set(gca,'yaxislocation','right')

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