Plotting Temperature profile as a function of x,y and z.

조회 수: 6 (최근 30일)
Nihal Acharya
Nihal Acharya 2018년 6월 25일
댓글: Nihal Acharya 2018년 6월 28일
I have a temperature function, which is a function of all 3 co-ordinates x,y and z. It is just one equation which iterates in for loops. But I am unable to plot this temperature function in 3D space.
I would really appreciate some help with the plotting aspect. I don't know how exactly to use isosurface or slicing even though I went through a couple of questions posted here.
Thanks in advance!
%Properties of the system
eta = 0.5;
P = 200;
v = 0.1;
k = 42.7;
d = 0.0038;
rho = 7850;
Cp = 477;
T0 = 300;
fileID = fopen('myfile.txt','w');
alpha = k/Cp;
for t = 1:1:100
for x = 1:1:10
for y = 1:1:10
for z = 1:1:10
psi = x - v*t;
R = sqrt(psi^2 + y^2 + z^2);
T(:) = (Q/(2*pi*k*d))*exp(-v*psi/(2*alpha))*exp(-(v*R)/(2*alpha))/R + T0;
fprintf('%f\n', T)
end % z loop end
end % y loop end
end % x loop end
end % t loop end

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Boris Blagov
Boris Blagov 2018년 6월 25일
편집: Boris Blagov 2018년 6월 25일
I think you have many more dimensions than three - you have five dimensions. x,y,z,t and the values (temperature)
You have one T for each (x,y,z) triple and you have hundred triples for t = 1:100.
For example, you have one temperature associated with x=1, y=1 (conditional on z and t), another temperature associated with x = 2 and y = 1 (conditional on z and t) and so forth. You can generate a 3-D plot, conditioning on two of the four variables, i.e. for the temperature as a function of all "x" and all "y", conditional on one z and one t.
Here is the code for that (just for a single t!). Consider preallocating T for speed. I have changed the line T(:) from your code to T(x,y,z) and fixed t = 1.
%Properties of the system
eta = 0.5;
P = 200;
v = 0.1;
k = 42.7;
d = 0.0038;
rho = 7850;
Cp = 477;
T0 = 300;
fileID = fopen('myfile.txt','w');
alpha = k/Cp;
% for t = 1:1:100
t = 1;
for x = 1:1:10
for y = 1:1:10
for z = 1:1:10
psi = x - v*t;
R = sqrt(psi^2 + y^2 + z^2);
T(x,y,z) = (Q/(2*pi*k*d))*exp(-v*psi/(2*alpha))*exp(-(v*R)/(2*alpha))/R + T0;
end % z loop end
end % y loop end
end % x loop end
% end % t loop end
Edit: consider using "fclose at the end" as a general good practice
  댓글 수: 6
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2018년 6월 27일
isosurface() several representative T values, getting "shells" of equal temperature in 3 space.
Nihal Acharya
Nihal Acharya 2018년 6월 28일
Hi Walter, Is the use of isosurface() here something similar to the following attached post? -

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