Video from digital data

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Hari Patel
Hari Patel 2012년 6월 8일
I have CCD image sensor (EIA B/W) and its output is connected to Analog Front End(AFE). The output of AFE is 12 Bit Digital data at the rate of 9 MHz. I am thinking to get this digital data to my computer using MATLAB Data Acquisition tool box and NI's hardware PCIe 6536. What is the best way to create a video from my digital data (12Bit @ 9 MHz plus sync signals) using MATLAB?
  댓글 수: 1
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2012년 6월 8일
Duplicate is at

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답변 (1개)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2012년 6월 8일
That device is too slow for your purposes. It handles a maximum of 25 megabits per second per channel, whereas you need at least 108 megabits per second (plus sync)
The entire 653x line is too slow for your purposes. You need a 6545, 6547, or 6548 to go as fast as you need -- but all three of those are only available in PXI Express, not PCIe .
Note that the 653x and 654x are digital I/O series, so implicitly 1 bit per sample (which is why you need to go past 100 MHz sampling rate to get your 9 MHz x 12 bits). The consequence of this is that you might have difficulty in detecting the sync, as sync is usually analog processing (or at least multiple bits per sample when digitized.)
I don't know if you would be able to get data out for your purposes, but look at the 5124 and related products -- you might be able to get away with even a 5105 but I am not certain if it has enough bandwidth product (60 MHz analog bandwidth even though it is a 12 bit digitizer that can operate at 60 MS/s). Note: the 51xx series needs a PXI chassis and controller with it, so take those into account in pricing concerns!
  댓글 수: 5
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2012년 6월 11일
Unusual device, that AFE...
It appears to me that you should be able to use even the 6535 which is about $800 less expensive.
Hari Patel
Hari Patel 2012년 6월 11일
I know, I can use 6535 as it supports 10 MHz and I doubt it might be an ideal case. So I just wanted to be on safe side. I also asked the same question about 6535 to NI sales engineer and I waiting for reply.

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