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조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Giacomo 2018년 6월 12일
마감: Giacomo 2018년 6월 20일
Hi, I have a zedboard with a Pmod CAN of digilent and I try to create a new hardware in vivado to use it in simulink as Reference Design. My Vivado scheme is
and my constraints are
Hence, I create a simulink model, that it works with original Zedboard Hardware, but with my Hardware is not work. The HDL Workflow Advisor stops in step 4. (Create project) with errors:
CRITICAL WARNING: [BD 41-52] Could not find the abstraction definition specified by the vlnv:
CRITICAL WARNING: [BD 41-181] Type specified by the VLNV: '', cannot be found. Interface port: 'Pmod_out' cannot be created
WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-3571] IP 'design_1_PmodCAN_0_0' is restricted:
* IP definition 'PmodCAN_v1_0 (1.0)' relies on the following subcore(s) that were not found in the IP Catalog:
Please select 'Report IP Status' from the 'Tools/Report' menu or run Tcl command 'report_ip_status' for more information.
CRITICAL WARNING: [BD 41-51] Could not find bus definition for the interface: Pmod_out
CRITICAL WARNING: [BD 41-49] Could not find abstraction definition for the interface: Pmod_out
CRITICAL WARNING: [BD 41-49] Could not find abstraction definition for the interface: Pmod_out
create_bd_cell: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:04 ; elapsed = 00:00:06 . Memory (MB): peak = 395.867 ; gain = 134.109
INFO: [PS7-6] Configuring Board Preset part0. Please wait ......
INFO: [Ipptcl 7-1463] No Compatible Board Interface found. Board Tab not created in customize GUI
WARNING: [BD 5-233] No interface ports matched 'get_bd_intf_ports Pmod_out'
ERROR: [BD 5-106] Arguments to the connect_bd_intf_net command cannot be empty.
ERROR: [Common 17-39] 'connect_bd_intf_net' failed due to earlier errors.
I attach myboard. Thank you

답변 (3개)

Giacomo 2018년 6월 15일
can you help me? thanks thanks thanks

Giacomo 2018년 6월 17일

Giacomo 2018년 6월 18일
I have reduced the warnings and errors:
INFO: [PS7-6] Configuring Board Preset part0. Please wait ...... INFO: [Ipptcl 7-1463] No Compatible Board Interface found. Board Tab not created in customize GUI Wrote : C:/Users/gcanc/Desktop/ZedBoardAeromechs/hdl_prj/vivado_ip_prj/vivado_prj.srcs/sources_1/bd/design_1/ Wrote : C:/Users/gcanc/Desktop/ZedBoardAeromechs/hdl_prj/vivado_ip_prj/vivado_prj.srcs/sources_1/bd/design_1/ui/bd_1f5defd0.ui WARNING: [Vivado 12-818] No files matched '' # set_property synth_checkpoint_mode None [get_files] ERROR: [Common 17-55] 'set_property' expects at least one object. Resolution: If [get_<value>] was used to populate the object, check to make sure this command returns at least one valid object. INFO: [Common 17-206] Exiting Vivado at Mon Jun 18 15:27:06 2018...
and now? :-)

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