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Did someone already use DMC PARK for Park transformation with C2000 concerto ?

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Hello, I try to use Park bloc in the concerto support package.
The block says that "All inputs and outputs are signed 32-bit fixed-point numbers with Q value between 1 and 29." But even when I change the data type it don't work...
Did someone already use that block ?

답변 (1개)

Antonin 2018년 6월 15일
Bonjour Antoine,
I recommend the following example which uses most DMC blocks.
There are 2 versions for Concerto (one for F28M35x and one for F28M36x).
These examples are spinning motors with the DRV8312 Motor Control kit.
The Park Transform is located here:
  • 'c28M35xpmsmfoc_ert/FOC Alogrithm/Torque Control Algorithm/Generating Space Vectors/Generating Raw Space Vectors/Park Transformation'
or here:
  • 'c28M36xpmsmfoc_ert/FOC Alogrithm/Torque Control Algorithm/Generating Space Vectors/Generating Raw Space Vectors/Park Transformation'
I hope it helps,
Bonne chance,
  댓글 수: 1
Antoine Bostem
Antoine Bostem 2018년 6월 15일
Hello Antonin,
I can't run the example beacause I don't have the fixed-point designer toolbox. Is that linked to my problem ? Moreover, when I click on the block "Park" I only have the general description of the block, no parameters.
Merci ;)

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