how to find the data for same period of time ?

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
pruth 2018년 5월 17일
답변: Peter Perkins 2018년 5월 17일
hi, I have two mat files, the first column of both files is date-time and the second column is data. I want to compare both the data sets. however, all dates and time are not same. here I want to find data from both files which has same measurement date and time. other data I won't need it. at last, i would get one mat file which would have date-time, data from first file and data from the second file. any idea how to make it possible ?

채택된 답변

Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza 2018년 5월 17일
편집: Ameer Hamza 2018년 5월 17일
Try this
data1 = load('MRRarranged.mat');
data2 = load('distro-data.mat');
dates1 = data1.MRR_arranged_data(:,1);
dates2 = data2.rawdata(:,1);
indexDates2 = ismember(dates2, dates1);
indexDates1 = ismember(dates1, dates2);
finalDates = data2.rawdata(indexDates2, 1);
finalData1 = data1.MRR_arranged_data(indexDates1, 2);
finalData2 = data2.rawdata(indexDates2, 2);
final = [table(finalDates) table(finalData1) table(finalData2)];
then you can save the variable final.
  댓글 수: 4
pruth 2018년 5월 17일
Ameer, that works as expected. thanks a lot. I find it interesting to play with Matlab commands. I found another command which also should work.
[C,ia,ib] = intersect(rawdata,MRR_arranged_data,'rows')
i tried this but it gives me empty matrix. i dont know why ? anyway your code works perfect.
Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza 2018년 5월 17일
The option 'rows' only compares row-wise
1 2 <- does not intersect
2 2 <- intersect
3 1 <- does not intersect
1 1 <- intersect
Since you don't want this behavior, use the command like this
[C,ia,ib] = intersect(rawdata,MRR_arranged_data)

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추가 답변 (1개)

Peter Perkins
Peter Perkins 2018년 5월 17일
It may be that join on timetables is the way to go here.
>> load('distro-data.mat')
>> load('MRRarranged.mat')
>> tt1 = array2timetable(MRR_arranged_data(:,2:end),'RowTimes',datetime(MRR_arranged_data(:,1),'ConvertFrom','datenum'))
tt1 =
15314×3 timetable
Time Var1 Var2 Var3
____________________ ____ ____ ____
05-Apr-2018 00:00:02 0 0 0
05-Apr-2018 00:00:12 0 0 0
05-Apr-2018 00:00:22 0 0 0
05-Apr-2018 00:00:32 0 0 0
05-Apr-2018 00:00:42 0 0 0
>> tt2 = array2timetable(rawdata(:,2:end),'RowTimes',datetime(rawdata(:,1),'ConvertFrom','datenum'))
tt2 =
2880×3 timetable
Time Var1 Var2 Var3
____________________ ____ ____ ______
05-Apr-2018 10:08:59 0 0 0.0049
05-Apr-2018 10:09:59 0 0 0.0049
05-Apr-2018 10:10:59 0 0 0.0049
05-Apr-2018 10:12:00 0 0 0.0049
05-Apr-2018 10:13:00 0 0 0.0049
>> tt12 = innerjoin(tt1,tt2,'Key','Time')
tt12 =
69×6 timetable
Time Var1_tt1 Var2_tt1 Var3_tt1 Var1_tt2 Var2_tt2 Var3_tt2
____________________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________
05-Apr-2018 10:12:00 0 0 0 0 0 0.0049
05-Apr-2018 10:13:00 0 0 0 0 0 0.0049
05-Apr-2018 10:14:00 0 0 0 0.0006 0 0.005
05-Apr-2018 10:18:00 0 0 0 0 0 0.005
05-Apr-2018 10:19:00 0 0 0 0 0 0.005
I can't tell if this is what you are looking fior; there are only 69 matches. It may be that you really want some form of synchronize.


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