How do i write the code for navierstokes equation in matlab/comsol?

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Bartholomew Osegbe
Bartholomew Osegbe 2018년 5월 10일
답변: Bartholomew Osegbe 2018년 5월 13일
The idea is to write the code for the navierstokes equation with the laplacian velocity and pressure term
  댓글 수: 1
KSSV 2018년 5월 10일
You want it in comsol? So this is not the forum. You want in MATLAB? What have you attempted?

댓글을 달려면 로그인하십시오.

답변 (4개)

Precise Simulation
Precise Simulation 2018년 5월 10일
The incompressible Navier-Stokes equations is also available as a built-in pre-defined Navier-Stokes physics mode in the FEATool FEM Matlab toolbox. In this case the equations are in 2D defined as
rho_ns*u' - miu_ns*(2*ux_x + uy_y + vx_y) + rho_ns*(u*ux_t + v*uy_t) + p_x = Fx_ns
rho_ns*v' - miu_ns*(vx_x + uy_x + 2*vy_y) + rho_ns*(u*vx_t + v*vy_t) + p_y = Fy_ns
ux_t + vy_t = 0
the Navier-Stokes equations in axisymmetry (2D cylindrical coordinates) and 3D are defined similarly.

Bartholomew Osegbe
Bartholomew Osegbe 2018년 5월 10일
I have attempted the weak method fem.equ.weak = { ... { ... {'(-eta*ux)*test(ux)+(-eta*uy)*test(uy)-test(u)*px'} ... {'(-eta*vx)*test(vx)+(-eta*vy)*test(vy)-test(v)*py'} ... {'-test(px)*u-test(py)*v'} ... } ... }; but I have errors and when I sourced online I found a code that uses the poisson equation but just wanted a simple code with a laplacian velocity and pressure term.

Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza 2018년 5월 10일

Bartholomew Osegbe
Bartholomew Osegbe 2018년 5월 13일
Thank you all for your answers, I do appreciate it.


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