Creating a column vector of strings of various sizes

조회 수: 15 (최근 30일)
Gian Carpinelli
Gian Carpinelli 2018년 4월 9일
댓글: Gian Carpinelli 2018년 4월 9일
hey so as the title says, I need to create a database / 'library'. I need to save each 'book' entered by the user ( the total amount of books entered is unknown, i.e. can enter as many as they want)into a vertical vector. Ive tried using strvcat and char and other methods to add elements to an empty vector but I keep getting dimension errors. Please help

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KSSV 2018년 4월 9일
books = cell(3,1) ;
books{1} = 'MATLAB';
books{2} = 'MAT';
books{3} = 'LAB';
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  댓글 수: 3
KSSV 2018년 4월 9일
books = cell([],1) ;
for i = 1:3
book = input('Book Name:','s') ;
books{i,1} = book ;
Gian Carpinelli
Gian Carpinelli 2018년 4월 9일
does this only work for 3 entries of the book though?

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