Logarithmic Decrement and Damp Ratio

조회 수: 169 (최근 30일)
Luka David Dilas
Luka David Dilas 2018년 4월 4일
댓글: Mathieu NOE 2021년 12월 17일
I have a velocity vs time input data on which I had to apply butterworth filter but now I have issues with application of the log decrement method for damping calculation. The log decrement formula is depicted in the picture and I have implemented it as following:
%Veloc - Veloc vector
%n_peaks - No. of peaks of interest
%Time - Actual time series
%damp_ratio_logdec - Damping ratio
Time = z(:,1);
Veloc = z(:,2);
%Vector length of interest
t_new = Time(imax(1:n_peaks));
y_new = ymax(1:n_peaks);
t_new(1)=[];%Remove first point - Due to impact
%---Calculate Logarithmic Decrement
Log_Dec = zeros(length(n_peaks));
for nn = 1:n_peaks-2 %We go to '-2' because length(n_peaks) = since we ignore first one
Log_Dec(nn)= log(y_new(nn)/y_new(nn+1));
Mean_dec = mean(Log_Dec); %Calculate Average Logarithmic Decrement
damp_ratio_logdec = 1/sqrt(1+((2*pi/(Mean_dec))^2)); %Assesses Damping Constant
I have also put a .txt file with velocity and time columns. I started the code but I am not doing well so I would appreciate any help, since I just started using Matlab as part of my thesis and I have to process data in this way.
  댓글 수: 2
Agus Danish
Agus Danish 2021년 12월 16일
Hello, the error said "Index in position 2 exceeds array bounds. Index must not exceed 1.". What does it means?
Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE 2021년 12월 17일
to which code / data are you refering ?
this was my suggestion (see below) :
clear all
close all
ind = 1:100;
Time = z(ind,1);
Veloc = z(ind,2);
ind = 1:20;
[Ypk,Xpk,Wpk,Ppk] = findpeaks(Veloc(ind));
%Vector length of interest
t_new = Time(Xpk);
y_new = Ypk;
%---Calculate Logarithmic Decrement, undamped natural frequency, damped natural frequency, damping ratio
Log_Dec = zeros(length(n_peaks));
for nn = 1:n_peaks-1 %
Log_Dec(nn)= log(y_new(nn)/y_new(nn+1)); % computed with n = 1 periods apart
Mean_dec = mean(Log_Dec); %Calculate Average Logarithmic Decrement
damp_ratio_logdec = 1/sqrt(1+((2*pi/(Mean_dec))^2)); %Assesses Damping Constant

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답변 (2개)

A K M Kamrul Hasan
A K M Kamrul Hasan 2020년 1월 7일
Can you please explain, what is imax and ymax?

Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE 2021년 12월 1일
a very late answer to this question - siply because this code was reused in another post
FWIW, this is the answer I already provided
clear all
close all
% z = csvread('G03.csv');
ind = 1:100;
Time = z(ind,1);
Veloc = z(ind,2);
ind = 1:20;
[Ypk,Xpk,Wpk,Ppk] = findpeaks(Veloc(ind));
%Vector length of interest
t_new = Time(Xpk);
y_new = Ypk;
%---Calculate Logarithmic Decrement, undamped natural frequency, damped natural frequency, damping ratio
Log_Dec = zeros(length(n_peaks));
for nn = 1:n_peaks-1 %
Log_Dec(nn)= log(y_new(nn)/y_new(nn+1)); % computed with n = 1 periods apart
Mean_dec = mean(Log_Dec); %Calculate Average Logarithmic Decrement
damp_ratio_logdec = 1/sqrt(1+((2*pi/(Mean_dec))^2)); %Assesses Damping Constant


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