How do i get to store all the duplicate variables having different values in an array in matlab?

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
For example i have 5 variables with the same name 'a' having different values in a a table. when i iterate through all the rows in the table ,i should be able to print all the duplicate variables along with their values and store them in an array
I am new to matlab.Can anyone give me a method to proceed with this.Anyhelp will be appreciated

답변 (1개)

Birdman 2018년 4월 4일
Something like this?
Value=randi([1 7],size(Name,1),1)
You generate 8 values for Value array randomly, then you gather them in a table. After that, you check which rows contains name a and by the power of logical indexing, you extract the values in those rows and store them in a new array.


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