How do I avoid using for loops in the following problem?

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Sicheng Zhang
Sicheng Zhang 2018년 3월 22일
답변: 埃博拉酱 2024년 10월 28일
B=[b1,b2,..,bn], C=[c1,c2,...,cn] , and D=[d1,d2,...,dn]|are known. A scalar |A(0) is also known. I need to calculate A(1)...A(n) using the following iteration: A(i)=max{ci,A(i-1)+bi}+di,i=1,...,n. Is there any method or function I can use to get A(1)...A(n) without using a for loop? Thank you in advance!

답변 (1개)

埃博拉酱 2024년 10월 28일


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