Matrix dimensions must agree.

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Daniel Rincón
Daniel Rincón 2018년 2월 15일
댓글: Star Strider 2018년 2월 15일
Help me, Matlab print the next error.
Matrix dimensions must agree. Error in Grafica (line 4) Vt = (3./(n.*pi)).*(2-cos(-(pi.*n))-cos(pi.*n)).*sin(pi.*n.*t);
This is my code:
clc; clear all; close all
n = 0:1:10;
t = 0:0.01:10;
Vt = (3./(n.*pi)).*(2-cos(-(pi.*n))-cos(pi.*n)).*sin(pi.*n.*t);
plot (Vt)

채택된 답변

Star Strider
Star Strider 2018년 2월 15일
Yes, they must.
However you can get round that restriction by using the meshgrid function:
n = 0:1:10;
t = 0:0.01:10;
[N,T] = meshgrid(n,t);
Vt = @(n,t) (3./(n.*pi)).*(2-cos(-(pi.*n))-cos(pi.*n)).*sin(pi.*n.*t);
plot (t, Vt(N,T))
grid on
Experiment to get the result you want.
  댓글 수: 2
Daniel Rincón
Daniel Rincón 2018년 2월 15일
Thank you, it works perfectly
Star Strider
Star Strider 2018년 2월 15일
As always, my pleasure.

댓글을 달려면 로그인하십시오.

추가 답변 (1개)

Jonathan Chin
Jonathan Chin 2018년 2월 15일
n and t don't match dimensions, when you do .* you are trying to do an element wise multiplication, since they are not the same length it gives you that error.
I think this is what you are trying to accomplish
n = [0:1:10].';
t = 0:0.01:10;
Vt = bsxfun(@times,sin(pi.*n*t),(3./(n.*pi)).*(2-cos(-(pi.*n))-cos(pi.*n)));
plot (Vt.')
I created your sine wave for every n against the array t, this creates a 11x1001 matrix, with a sin wave on each row corresponding to n
Then every column gets element wised multiplied by a 11x1 column using bsxfun(@times...)
(3./(n.*pi)).*(2-cos(-(pi.*n))-cos(pi.*n)) %11x1 column
Finally I transpose the matrix so plot can show each individual sine wave


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