nlinfit seems to find only local minimum

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Silke 2018년 1월 30일
댓글: Torsten 2018년 2월 1일
I am busy fitting my experimental data with this code:
function dCCconv = DiffEqSolverALLSEandSO(param, t, k_1n, k_1p, mu_n, phi, FA, WL, lf, thickness, T);
RC = 18e-9;
k_2 = param(1);
k_3 = param(2);
filename1 = 'pulse300.dat'
pathname1 = 'D:\My Documents\Experiments\TRMC\PulseShapes\';
pulse = importfile1([pathname1, filename1]);
assignin('base', 't',t);
assignin('base', 'RC',RC);
[P,I] = max(pulse(:,1)); %find the coordinates of the maximum value of t
[P1, I1] = find(pulse(:,2)>=0);
pulse_begin_time = pulse(I1(1),1);
pulse_begin = min(find(t>=pulse_begin_time));
pulse_end = max(find(t<=P));
[P3, I3] = max(t);
dx = t(2)-t(1);
t_x = t(pulse_begin : pulse_end);
pulses(:,2)=spline(pulse(:,1), pulse(:,2), t_x); % make the pulse and the experimental data have the same time scale
pulses(end+1:I3,2)= 0;
pulses(:,1) = t;
assignin('base', 'pulses',pulses);
pmax = trapz(pulses(:,1), pulses(:,2));
NA = lf*1e-3*WL*1e-9*FA/(6.626e-34*3e8*2.1); % number of absorbed photons per cm^2 (2.1 is in cm^2)
NP = lf*1e-3*WL*1e-9/(6.626e-34*3e8*2.1); % number of incident photons per cm^2
G0 = NA/(pmax*thickness*1e2);
function dx = myode(t, x, pulses, G0, k_1n, k_1p, k_2,k_3, phi, T) %k_3,phi_n,k_1p,k_2,
dx = zeros(2,1);
pulse_actual = interp1(pulses(:,1),pulses(:,2),t );
SE_n = (((T/497))*real(abs(k_1n*1e7))* (t*real(abs(k_1n*1e7)))^((T/497)-1) );
SE_p = ((T/497)*real(abs(k_1p*1e6))* (t*real(abs(k_1p*1e6)))^((T/497)-1) );
dx(1) = real((G0 * pulse_actual*real(abs(phi))) - SE_n * real(x(1)) - abs(k_2*1e-10) * x(1) * x(2))- real(abs(k_3)) * 1e-28 * (x(1)^2 * x(2) + x(1) * x(2)^2) ;
dx(2) = real((G0 * pulse_actual*real(abs(phi))) - SE_p * real(x(2)) - abs(k_2*1e-10) * x(1) * x(2))- real(abs(k_3)) * 1e-28 * (x(1)^2 * x(2) + x(1) * x(2)^2);
tspan = [t(2): dx : t(end)];
opts = odeset('RelTol',1e-5,'AbsTol',1e-6);
ic = [0;0];
[t,x] = ode45(@(t,x) myode(t, x, pulses, G0, k_1n, k_1p, k_2, k_3, phi, T), tspan, ic, opts);
CCx = x;
f1x = (real(abs(mu_n)) * CCx(:,1)+ (1/2.06)*real(abs(mu_n))*CCx(:,2))*thickness*1e2 / NP;
f2x = conv(exp(-t/RC),f1x); %convolution to take into acount of the time response of the cavity cell
tr_cav = sum(exp(-t/RC));
f(1:I3) = 100*f2x(1:I3)/tr_cav;
dCCconv = f;
using nlinfit:
[xfit,resnorm, Jacob, CovB, MSE] = nlinfit( handles.timecorr, 100*handles.datacorr',@(param,timecorr) DiffEqSolverALLSEandSO(param, timecorr, handles.K_1N_GUESS_VALUE, handles.MU_N_GUESS_VALUE, handles.PHI_GUESS_VALUE, handles.K_1P_GUESS_VALUE, FA, WL, lf, thickness, temperature) , handles.x0);
Doing this finds usually a local minimum and I vary the guess parameters until I get a minimum for a chi2 (by hand). Now I tried to fit using lsqcurvefit (just to see if this finds the absolute minimum) using this:
xfit,resnorm] = lsqcurvefit( @(param,timecorr) DiffEqSolverALLSEandSO(param, timecorr, handles.K_1N_GUESS_VALUE, handles.MU_N_GUESS_VALUE, handles.PHI_GUESS_VALUE, handles.K_1P_GUESS_VALUE, FA, WL, lf, thickness, temperature), handles.x0, handles.timecorr, 100*handles.datacorr',, handles.ub, fitopt ); %
But lsqcurvefit runs infinitely long without returning any result. Is there a better fitting function for my case, or is there something in general wrong? I am not sure how I could improve my fit.
Thanks for your help!

답변 (2개)

Matt J
Matt J 2018년 1월 30일
Make sure you follow guidelines for Optimizing a Simulation or Ordinary Differential Equation. If you continue to have difficulty finding global solutions, you should perhaps consider MultiStart or other tools in the Global Optimization Toolbox.
  댓글 수: 13
Silke 2018년 2월 1일
편집: Silke 2018년 2월 1일
But how close does my initial guess have to be to find a good solution? If I would already know the parameters for all my experiments, I would not need to perform the fit. I am quite frustrated now that the fitting does not work better at the moment. Even if I start off with 3 and 2, the fit does not find the good parameters.
Matt J
Matt J 2018년 2월 1일
편집: Matt J 2018년 2월 1일
It is never apriori clear how close the initial guess has to be, but that is why I recommended the Global Optimization Toolbox for cases (like yours possibly) where it seems overly difficult.
Alternatively, because you only have two unknown parameters, it might be computationally affordable for you to do a sweep of the parameters and plot the objective function as a 2D surface. From this you could see, approximately, where the global minimum lies and get a more informed initial guess.

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Silke 2018년 1월 31일
If I triple the data in the peak, but not in the tail, I will not have a continous dataset anymore, won't I? And in how far will this change my fitting parameters? I am not sure if I fully understand your suggestion.
  댓글 수: 10
Silke 2018년 2월 1일
I did it like that:
W = zeros(3600,1);
W(1:49) = 5;
W(50:64) = 1000;
W(65) = 10000000;
W(66:80) = 1000;
W(81:500) = 5;
W(501:3600) = 0.000001;
assignin('base', 'W',W);
opts = statset('nlinfit');
opts.RobustWgtFun = [];
[xfit,resnorm, Jacob, CovB, MSE] = nlinfit( handles.timecorr, 100*handles.datacorr',@(param,timecorr) DiffEqSolverALLSEandSO(param, timecorr, handles.K_1N_GUESS_VALUE, handles.MU_N_GUESS_VALUE, handles.PHI_GUESS_VALUE, handles.K_1P_GUESS_VALUE, FA, WL, lf, thickness, temperature, sel2) , handles.x0, opts, 'Weights', W');
But it seems not to change anything on the fit. Is this not correct?
Torsten 2018년 2월 1일
If the estimated parameters remain the same, you can check whether a weight matrix is used at all by looking at the output variable "resnorm". resnorm(i) should be sqrt(w(i))*res(i) where "res" is the output without using the weighting option.
Best wishes

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