Selecting lines from plot

조회 수: 46 (최근 30일)
TJ 2018년 1월 8일
댓글: Jan 2018년 1월 9일
Good day,
I have tried using Jan Simon's answer in How to use the mouse to select and identify a line on a plot
I am struggling to adapt this to a GUI I have built in GUIDE and have the following code in a callback:
handles.P(1) = line(handles.Plot1, 'XData', chunktime, 'YData', normChunk1);
handles.P(2) = line(handles.Plot1, 'XData', chunktime, 'YData', normChunk2);
handles.P(3) = line(handles.Plot1, 'XData', chunktime, 'YData', normChunk3);
The question is regarding the input arguments to LineSelected and the construction of the handles for the lines. Is handles.P(x) the correct way to create handles to the lines that belong to handles.Plot1?
function LineSelected(ObjectH, EventData, H)
set(ObjectH, 'LineWidth', 2.5);
set(H(H ~= ObjectH), 'LineWidth', 0.5);
If I am using a GUI built in GUIDE, are my input arguments for the function hObject, eventdata and handles? Then for ObjectH do I replace that with handles.P?

채택된 답변

Jan 2018년 1월 8일
편집: Jan 2018년 1월 8일
handles.P(1) = line(handles.Plot1, 'XData', chunktime, 'YData', normChunk1);
handles.P(2) = line(handles.Plot1, 'XData', chunktime, 'YData', normChunk2);
handles.P(3) = line(handles.Plot1, 'XData', chunktime, 'YData', normChunk3);
set(handles.P, 'ButtonDownFcn', {@LineSelected, handles.P});
function LineSelected(ObjectH, EventData, AllLines)
set(ObjectH, 'LineWidth', 2.5);
set(AllLines(AllLines ~= ObjectH), 'LineWidth', 0.5);
Or maybe easier:
function LineSelected(ObjectH, EventData, AllLines)
set(AllLines, 'LineWidth', 0.5);
set(ObjectH, 'LineWidth', 2.5);
  댓글 수: 5
TJ 2018년 1월 9일
Sorry Jan, one more question. Not sure if you can answer but do you know where I should store the set function so that it only executes if I click on the lines in the graph in the GUI rather than the code sequentially always going through the set function as it is not in a call back. For example. The lines are plotted using a plot push button. Then the callback is completed. Then the user clicks on a line and the line should change width and then return a property for the GUI such as 'Tag'. I have just stored the line outside any callbacks but it will always execute even when I do not click on the graph.
Jan 2018년 1월 9일
@TJ: The question is not clear to me yet. The ButtonDownFcn callback does execute only, if you click on the line. Which code "goes through the set functions"? What do you want to return to the GUI? Where have you "stored the line" and how did you do this?
I assume posting the code will clarify what you are asking for. Maybe in a new thread?

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Tamir Suliman
Tamir Suliman 2018년 1월 8일
you just need to follow this part of the example
H(2) = plot(1:10, rand(1, 10), 'b');
set(H, 'ButtonDownFcn', {@LineSelected, H})
  댓글 수: 2
TJ 2018년 1월 8일
Hi Tamir,
The function handle surely implies that the LineSelected function should be defined in the code?
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2018년 1월 8일
You can store the lines you gave in LineSelected.m

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Tamir Suliman
Tamir Suliman 2018년 1월 8일
so basically your handles variables or what ever action you assign to it would be the set function


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