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How to return likelihood using unscentedK​almanFilte​r/extended​KalmanFilt​er Object in the signal processing toolbox?

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Dear Sir or Madam,
I find it is very helpful to use unscentedKalmanFilter/extendedKalmanFilter Objects in the signal processing toolbox for online estimation of the non-linear state space model. Does anyone know whether there are a built-in way to return the likelihood or log likelihood of the model? I ask this because I use these filtering techniques to estimate parameters of the state space model by minimizing its log likelihood. This toolbox can return the updated state vector and covariance matrix automatically, but I didn't find the corresponding likelihood of the modeling fitting.
Thank you very much!
Best, Hao
  댓글 수: 1
Hao Chang
Hao Chang 2018년 1월 2일
편집: Hao Chang 2018년 1월 2일
I forgot to attach the documents of these two functions, which are:
Unsecented Kalman Filter:
Extended Kalman fiture:

답변 (1개)

Nick Sarnie
Nick Sarnie 2018년 1월 4일
편집: Nick Sarnie 2018년 1월 4일
Hi Hao,
I wasn't able to find any documentation relating to likelihood or log likelihood for the unscentedKalmanFilte and extendedKalmanFilter objects. Could please go into more detail on that?

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