Normalizing cross-correlation to [-1,1] for different length signals

조회 수: 11 (최근 30일)
Sepp 2017년 12월 13일
I have the following piece of code for calculating the cross-correlation between to signals. Visually, the signals are correlating very well. The signals are of different length but both have a sampling rate of 100Hz. There is a lag between the signals (called timeDiff below).
[acor,lag] = xcorr(signal1,signal2);
[cor,I] = max(abs(acor));
lagDiff = lag(I);
timeDiff = lagDiff/100;
fprintf('Correlation = %0.5f \n',cor);
I'm getting a correlation of 6239.06131. How can I normalize this to -1 and 1? Because otherwise it is hard to interpret.

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