How to round a result to 1 decimal place.

조회 수: 148 (최근 30일)
Amy Wong
Amy Wong 2017년 12월 6일
편집: Adam 2017년 12월 6일
I have a data of 4096x64 and would like to round it to 1 decimal place. When I use DATA = round(DATA,1), the error 'Too many input arguments' appear. Is there any other way to do this?

답변 (1개)

Adam 2017년 12월 6일
Which version of Matlab do you have?
round( data * 10 ) / 10;
is a fairly standard alternative.
  댓글 수: 4
Amy Wong
Amy Wong 2017년 12월 6일
편집: Amy Wong 2017년 12월 6일
Like if my value is 0.33333, I want to get 0.3. But the result is 0.3000. Is there a way to remove the 0 at the back?
Adam 2017년 12월 6일
편집: Adam 2017년 12월 6일
Not every decimal number is precisely representable in a double (after all, there are an infinite number of floating point numbers and clearly there are not an infinite number of bit-representations to represent these).
Why do you need it to be precisely 0.3?
Note: round( 0.3333, 1 ) in later Matlab also gives an answer with a lot of trailing 0s that isn't 100% precise to 1dp.

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