Is there a way to convert table consists of many variables to matrix ?

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Fadal Sasse
Fadal Sasse 2017년 10월 18일
댓글: Jan 2017년 10월 21일
Is there a way to convert table consists of many variables to a matrix ?

채택된 답변

KSSV 2017년 10월 18일
Read about table2cell and_table2array_

추가 답변 (1개)

Jan 2017년 10월 18일
It depends on what "table consisting of many variables" is. A table object and you are looking for the function table2array?
  댓글 수: 2
Fadal Sasse
Fadal Sasse 2017년 10월 19일
will I am not so familiar with these terms my friend but to make it clear I will attach a picture here for the table that I need to change it into Matrix. for example, this table consists of 14 column and more than 6000 row. I need to extract the eigenvalue from this table . so that is impossible
unless we can change this table into Matrix. I hope it is clear now mate?
Jan 2017년 10월 21일
This is a double matrix already displayed in the variable view. You do not need to convert anything.

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