Unrecognised option lockaxesticks

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Giorgos 2012년 4월 22일
편집: M 2013년 11월 30일
I try to save a Matlab figure in .png extension but I get following error: "Unrecognised option lockaxesticks"
What does this mean? It is the first time I get this error and I do not find any help about it. I get this error also for .jpg, .bmp, .tif and .pdf extensions. I can save to .fig extension though.
I created the figure by loading an old .fig file and adding data to the original plot via the plot browser if this helps. I have done it before, without any error..
  댓글 수: 2
Oleg Komarov
Oleg Komarov 2012년 4월 22일
Post the relecant code: http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/6200-tutorial-how-to-ask-a-question-on-answers-and-get-a-fast-answer
Mark S.
Mark S. 2012년 7월 25일
I am having this identical problem currently. I think it is possible that I had generated the figure in a newer version of Matlab (2011, a I think) and now I want to edit it and export it using Matlab 2010a. Exporting as a .jpg or .pdf results in the error: "Unrecognised option lockaxesticks" and the file does not save. Other options may as well. The only way that I can sucessfully save the file currently is to save it as a .fig. This is happening with all of my most recent figures (possibly those that I had created on the newer version of matlab?). However, my older figures will still export.
I just freshly installed Matlab 2012a and it did export the desired figure to pdf without giving this error. Is it possible that starting with Matlab 2011 a property name was modified?

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답변 (2개)

Giorgos 2012년 5월 17일
Hi Oleg,
There is no code. I loaded a .fig file I made earlier. When I load it (no problems with that), and I try to save the file again (even with not changing anything) I get the error "unrecognised option lockaxesticks"..

M 2013년 11월 16일
편집: M 2013년 11월 30일
If anyone still freaks out about this BUG, as i did for this entire day:
- go to C:\Users\"YourName"\AppData\Roaming\MathWorks\MATLAB\R2010a\ExportSetup
- open default.txt
- delete the line "lockaxesticks off/on"
Problem solved ;)
this solved the problem just once. Next day it pops up again and no way to solve it this time...
Any solutions? Like this Matlab is worthless...


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