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reject input if it is a string

조회 수: 9 (최근 30일)
Joe Smart
Joe Smart 2017년 10월 6일
편집: Cedric 2017년 10월 6일
When using the input function in this way:
m = input('please enter the mass: ')
How can I have the script reject the answer and try again if the input is a string?
I have tried
m = input('Please enter the mass: ')
tf = isstring(m);
if tf == 1
disp('Your input was a string, please try again')
weight = m * 9.81;
This works usually, but on some inputs, such as 'word' it returns an error:
Error using input
Undefined function or variable 'word'.
Error in itertow (line 6)
w1 = input('Please estimate a value for take off weight in kg: ');
If I enter 'string' as my input it behaves as expected.
Any explanation or help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

답변 (3개)

Cedric 2017년 10월 6일
편집: Cedric 2017년 10월 6일
Here is what I think you don't understand: INPUT evaluates what the user types unless called with a second 's' argument (in which case it outputs a char array):
>> in = input( ':', 's' )
in =
>> class(in)
ans =
Without the 's', the input from user is evaluated and if it is a valid MATLAB expression it's output is stored in the output parameter (if not, an exception/error is thrown). When you pass string, it is a valid expression actually, as string is a MATLAB class and this calls its constructor. Doing this, you instantiate the class and create a string object:
>> in = input( ':' ) ;
>> class(in)
ans =
When you pass word, it fails as word is not a valid MATLAB command/function/expression.
If you want to manage the failure to enter a valid number, you can capture the error if any, test the input, etc, or save the expression as a string and try to convert to numeric afterwards.
I advise you the latter approach (so you don't have to deal with a TRY/CATCH statement). Here is a hint:
>> str2double( 'word' )
ans =
so you could ask for a mass while the outcome of what you read as a string converted to double (numeric) is not NaN.
  댓글 수: 2
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2017년 10월 6일
Yep, that's what my code does. Tries to convert, and if it fails, assigns the default and tells the user.
Cedric 2017년 10월 6일
편집: Cedric 2017년 10월 6일
We all posted 3 hours ago, probably in parallel.

댓글을 달려면 로그인하십시오.

dpb 2017년 10월 6일
편집: dpb 2017년 10월 6일
From the documentation we find that input "requests user input , ... waits for input from the keyboard, evaluates any expressions in the input, and then returns the result."
The damage is done before you have a chance at it owing to the evaluation step. Instead, turn it around and request the input be returned as the string the user typed, then evaluate whether it is a valid number...
m = input('Please enter the mass: ','s'); % return input as string, shortcut eval
m = str2double(m); % try to convert to number
if ~isfinite(m)
% error branch here...
You'll want to either put the request in try...catch block to retry or add a while loop or other way to repeat the input until do get a valid response...

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2017년 10월 6일
Look at these two snippets. Adapt as needed:
% Ask user for one integer number.
defaultValue = 45;
titleBar = 'Enter an integer value';
userPrompt = 'Enter the integer';
caUserInput = inputdlg(userPrompt, titleBar, 1, {num2str(defaultValue)});
if isempty(caUserInput),return,end; % Bail out if they clicked Cancel.
% Round to nearest integer in case they entered a floating point number.
integerValue = round(str2double(cell2mat(caUserInput)));
% Check for a valid integer.
if isnan(integerValue)
% They didn't enter a number.
% They clicked Cancel, or entered a character, symbols, or something else not allowed.
integerValue = defaultValue;
message = sprintf('I said it had to be an integer.\nTry replacing the user.\nI will use %d and continue.', integerValue);
% Ask user for two floating point numbers.
defaultValue = {'45.67', '78.91'};
titleBar = 'Enter a value';
userPrompt = {'Enter floating point number 1 : ', 'Enter floating point number 2: '};
caUserInput = inputdlg(userPrompt, titleBar, 1, defaultValue);
if isempty(caUserInput),return,end; % Bail out if they clicked Cancel.
% Convert to floating point from string.
usersValue1 = str2double(caUserInput{1})
usersValue2 = str2double(caUserInput{2})
% Check usersValue1 for validity.
if isnan(usersValue1)
% They didn't enter a number.
% They clicked Cancel, or entered a character, symbols, or something else not allowed.
% Convert the default from a string and stick that into usersValue1.
usersValue1 = str2double(defaultValue{1});
message = sprintf('I said it had to be a number.\nTry replacing the user.\nI will use %.2f and continue.', usersValue1);
% Do the same for usersValue2
% Check usersValue2 for validity.
if isnan(usersValue2)
% They didn't enter a number.
% They clicked Cancel, or entered a character, symbols, or something else not allowed.
% Convert the default from a string and stick that into usersValue2.
usersValue2 = str2double(defaultValue{2});
message = sprintf('I said it had to be a number.\nTry replacing the user.\nI will use %.2f and continue.', usersValue2);


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