Simple question regarding bar plot with categorical data
조회 수: 76 (최근 30일)
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Hello guys,
I am new to matlab, and I'm trying to do a simple bar plot, like this:
x = ["bananas" "apples" "cherries"];
y = [14,12,7];
The problem is that bar() function seems to sort the x-labels in alphabetical order. Is there any way to override this behaviour, so that the x-labels are left in their original order?
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채택된 답변
Sean de Wolski
2017년 10월 6일
편집: Sean de Wolski
2017년 10월 6일
x = categorical(["bananas" "apples" "cherries"]);
x = reordercats(x,{'bananas' 'apples' 'cherries'});
y = [14,12,7];
Categoricals can have order associated with them (for the purpose of relational operators).
댓글 수: 7
2024년 10월 14일
Since you guys are fixing this. Could you also put in a ticket to fix this for the errorbar() plot
추가 답변 (4개)
Steven Lord
2017년 10월 6일
If you're using release R2016b or later you could use histogram with a vector of BinCounts instead of using bar.
x = ["bananas" "apples" "cherries"];
C = categorical(x);
y = [14,12,7];
h = histogram('Categories', C, 'BinCounts', y);
댓글 수: 0
2017년 10월 6일
편집: Rik
2017년 10월 6일
The problem is not in bar, but in categorical. I can't find in the doc how to preserve order (with unique I know there is a switch to do so). So my suggestion would be to convert it yourself:
xticklabels(x)%might not work, as this expects a cell stray containing strings
Of course, your labels are very likely to be unique, otherwise bar wil most likely yield an error, so this should work the same in all valid situations:
xticklabels(x)%might not work, as this expects a cell stray containing strings
댓글 수: 2
2017년 10월 6일
xticklabels and xticks were introduced in R2016b, so for earlier releases you should use gca and set the XTick and XTickLabels properties.
michael dupin
2022년 10월 3일
편집: michael dupin
2022년 10월 3일
*** Use histogram and not bar :)
I've been struggling with this until now, so sharing with the community. You can use the histogram simply as a drawing function, not actually counting anything.
Including the vertical bars as well (instead of "barh"), as long labels are typically better displayed horizontally.
Et voila! Good luck. Mike
x = ["bananas" "apples" "cherries"];
y = [14,12,7];
댓글 수: 0
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