Specifying linker options for code generation

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Sunny Talekar
Sunny Talekar 2017년 10월 5일
댓글: Abhi Sundararaman 2017년 10월 11일
I'm trying to use Simulink Coder (with default grt.tlc) option to generate a standalone executable from a Simulink model. The model uses a C++ s-function (that makes use of boost library).
In order to generate the s-function mex, I had to use the -L option to point it to the directory containing boost libraries.
Is it possible to do something similar (link to boost libraries) during code generation? I tried including the boost library directory under code generation options but that doesn't seem to work. I believe an option could be to add path for specific library file to 'Libraries' under code generation configuration parameters. But I'd rather point to the library directory instead of linking a specific library.
Any help would be much appreciated.
  댓글 수: 1
Abhi Sundararaman
Abhi Sundararaman 2017년 10월 11일
From the doc page, it looks like you have to specify the libraries individually as a space-separated list. Unfortunately it seems like a library directory won't work.

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