plug elements of matrices into formula

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Roisin Loughnane
Roisin Loughnane 2017년 9월 27일
답변: KSSV 2017년 9월 28일
Hello all,
I have a a few matrices: A, B, and C, all of the same size.
I would like to access each corresponding element to use separately as input in a specified formula:
V = exp(x(A) + y*(B) -z*(C)
and then save resulting values in a new matrix (of the same size as input matrices)
Can somebody explain how to do this please?

답변 (1개)

KSSV 2017년 9월 28일
N = 3 ;
A = rand(N) ;
B = rand(N) ;
C = rand(N) ;
x = rand ; y= rand ; z = rand ;
V = exp(x*A + y*B -z*C) ;


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