How To Write ODE45 Function File?

조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
Matthew 2017년 9월 21일
답변: Walter Roberson 2017년 9월 21일
I have the following code in a script file.
tspan = [0 12];
v0 = 0;
[t,v] = ode45(@(t,v) 9.81-(0.25/68.1)*v^2, tspan, v0);
How can I break this apart so it is in the form of a function with a parent file and a child file? I'm new to functions, so although the answer is probably simple, it's not obvious to me.
Thanks in advance, M Ridzon

채택된 답변

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2017년 9월 21일
tspan = [0 12];
v0 = 0;
[t,v] = ode45(@myode, tspan, v0);
function dv = myode(t, v)
dv = 9.81-(0.25/68.1)*v.^2;

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