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Call External C Function From Stateflow

조회 수: 11 (최근 30일)
TAZ 2017년 9월 14일
편집: Vit Valek 2020년 1월 29일
Does anyone know how to call an external (custom) C function from Stateflow? The documentation basically says to specify the include file in the code generation options, but when I try to update or build my model, Stateflow doesn't recognize the name of my function call. It sees it as an undefined function.
How do I declare my external C function for Stateflow?

답변 (1개)

Sebastian Castro
Sebastian Castro 2017년 9월 15일
If you go to the Model Configuration Parameters, there is a "Simulation Target" section where you specify the source files, header files, include folders, etc. needed
BTW, if you will also be generating C code from the chart, you can go to the "Code Generation > Custom Code" options and select "Use the same custom code settings as Simulation Target." This makes sure the same files are used and packaged up when you generate code.
- Sebastian
  댓글 수: 1
Vit Valek
Vit Valek 2020년 1월 29일
편집: Vit Valek 2020년 1월 29일
I have solved it. You must include your header file and insert source file in Configuration Parameters:
Simulation Target -> Header file: #include "YourLib.h"
Simulation Target -> Source files: YourLib.c
Same changes make in Code Generation - Custom Code. If files aren't in same folder as simulated model, you must define Include directories (in pane Simulation Target and Code generation - Custom Code).
Last thing what do you need is change Action Language to C (View -> Property Inspector: Chart).

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