webread is not working or sending an error code

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
E Jackson
E Jackson 2017년 9월 1일
편집: Stephen23 2017년 9월 1일
In learning how to use webread the matlab examples and other api endpoints do not work, and an error code is not generated. I am not using a proxy. A direct link to the example in the browser works fine but webread does not seem to work with any api. Is there a product add on I need to buy or something else.
Below is the example code used.
url = 'http://heritage.stsci.edu/2007/14/images/p0714aa.jpg';
rgb = webread(url);
whos rgb
matlab error report on live code: Attempt to execute SCRIPT webread as a function
The matlab function urlread() works fine when tested.
Thank you in advance

채택된 답변

Stalin Samuel
Stalin Samuel 2017년 9월 1일
  • i Think you have saved your file name as "webread.m"
  • If so ,Kindly rename the file
  댓글 수: 3
Stephen23 2017년 9월 1일
편집: Stephen23 2017년 9월 1일
The error message: the inbuilt webread is a function, but if there is a script in your local directory with the same name then that will get called instead. The error message tells us that a script got called. Thus a very likely cause is that you have a script called webread.
Tip: always use which to check names before you use them.
E Jackson
E Jackson 2017년 9월 1일
Thanks once again, and have a great one.

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