Machine Learning Based GUI

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Rana Raees Ahmed Khan
Rana Raees Ahmed Khan 2017년 8월 11일
댓글: Aditi Vyas 2019년 2월 9일
hi, the problem i am presenting is that I am doing a vehicle make and model recognition project based on machine learning, which I intend to put in a GUI. I have created a bag of words classifier with a car data set, all the data of bag of words is saved as the workspace variables in a mat-file, I also have a small m-file to take a test set and load the mat file of BOW(bag of words) and do the classification, return the result of the classified label in the command window. I have the following files:
  1. bag of words m-file,
  2. a test m.file
  3. a mat-file, in which all the workspace variables of the bag of words m file are saved.I am new to GUI, following some videos on matlab website, I made a simple GUI with a push button which asks user to load an image, and display it on the axes in GUI, what I want to do is:
  4. pass the loaded image to my classifier using the GUI,
  5. display the result in the GUI as a text. (test m-file also returns answer as text in command window)
i did a little research and got the ideas to load the workspace of the mat-file in the GUI file and access those variables, but I couldn't find a proper way to do it, please help me out on how to do this the best way. thanks.
  댓글 수: 1
Aditi Vyas
Aditi Vyas 2019년 2월 9일
Did you get the solution?
I am stuck at the same problem.

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채택된 답변

mizuki 2017년 8월 13일
편집: mizuki 2017년 8월 13일
Use GUIDE to create a GUI. You can load mat files inside of the GUIDE function, and pass variables between functions by defining them as
Also, please check the following video that explains how to create a GUI.

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