Install add-on using command line with no GUI

조회 수: 105 (최근 30일)
Jan Jaap van Assen
Jan Jaap van Assen 2017년 8월 7일
댓글: Henrique Chaves 2021년 1월 7일
I have a question concerning the installations of add-ons, in this case AlexNet for the Neural Network Toolbox. I'm running my neural network code on a Linux system without GUI. How do install an add-on without a GUI?
Every Matlab document like here and here refers to the GUI menu which I can't access on my system.
Matlab Version: (R2017a), Neural Network Toolbox, Version 10.0 (R2017a).
I hope this is possible.

답변 (6개)

Serge Lamberty
Serge Lamberty 2019년 11월 7일
I just had the same problem, I found the following work-around, not too pretty but it works for now:
  • I installed the support packages on another pc.
  • I found the packages under /usr/local/MATLAB/R2019b/toolbox/nnet/supportpackages
  • I copied the whole folder "supportpackages" to the same location on the server where its supposed to run
  • On the server, add the "supportpackages"-folder (and subfolders) to the path
  • Done. Training running right now.
  댓글 수: 2
suleman ali
suleman ali 2020년 10월 21일
i cant find local under the users folder
Serge Lamberty
Serge Lamberty 2020년 10월 22일
This does not sound like you are on a Linux system? /usr/local should always exist.

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Sindhu Yerragunta
Sindhu Yerragunta 2017년 8월 10일
편집: Sindhu Yerragunta 2017년 8월 10일
Hi Jan,
Installing MATLAB and/or a new toolbox onto an existing MATLAB installation without a graphical user interface or X server follows the same process as installing MATLAB with the same conditions. You will need to utilize the silent installer to complete the installation. Please refer to the link for in depth instructions:
Hope this helps.
  댓글 수: 3
Jan Jaap van Assen
Jan Jaap van Assen 2017년 8월 10일
편집: Jan Jaap van Assen 2017년 8월 10일
Here another support package where people in the comments report the same issues. How to install this using commandline? One clear example would be great, they are all in the *.mlpkginstall format.
Mário Moraes
Mário Moraes 2017년 8월 11일
편집: Mário Moraes 2017년 8월 12일
Please! I have the same issue. If you find the solution tell me

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Yujin Hu
Yujin Hu 2017년 11월 28일
Hi, did you guys fix it yet? I'm using Arch Linux with MATLAB 2017b, and I could not install the googlenet add-on by double click it, either. I just wonder if I could install it by command line or via matlab function. I know there is a function `matlab.addons.toolbox.installToolbox` to install toolbox, but it's not available for add-on.
  댓글 수: 1
Jan Jaap van Assen
Jan Jaap van Assen 2017년 11월 28일
In my case, using the AlexNet add-on, I ended up installing it on a system that did have a GUI and then just exported the data as a regular *.mat file which was enough for me. Never received a proper solution from Mathworks.

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Yujin Hu
Yujin Hu 2017년 11월 30일
I have not figure out any solution to this yet. But one might download add-on with a GUI (Windows, Linux, MacOS), and get the url of the pretrained model file in the downloaded file. It's in one of the xml file. And then one could just download the .mat file, and load it.
I'm wondering maybe the url is something like, one might replace the filename and download other models.

Sumitabha Banerjee
Sumitabha Banerjee 2017년 12월 24일
Just go to Mathworks Community File Exchange. Type in alexnet in the searchbox and download the file from there.

Taylor Johnson
Taylor Johnson 2019년 9월 10일
We also have this issue (specifically to set up a tool to run on CodeOcean), and still, as of September 2019, I have not been able to find a reasonable solution beyond the workaround proposed above of exporting the data as a .mat file.
Is there any way to install these support packages without a GUI and directly through a script/command line?


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