Export column name along with data in excel file in GUI

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Mario 2017년 8월 7일
댓글: Mario 2017년 8월 8일
I am builing a GUI and inside my GUI I have a table data named Results_table that contains a numerical values columnwise (n,1) stored in different columns with their respective names.
Now, I was able to export these values from the table Results_table in an excel file, but I could not find a solution to export the column names too with those values.
My code for this section is:
M=get(handles.Results_table, 'Data'); % I get values from table Results_table but it only exports values, and not their respective column names
FileName = uiputfile('*.xls','Save as');
xlswrite(FileName, M); %I save stored data in M
Is there a solution to this problem? How can I export column names that are associated with those numerical values inside table Results_table?

채택된 답변

Jan 2017년 8월 7일
M = get(handles.Results_table, 'Data');
Head = get(handles.Results_table, 'ColumnName');
Data = cat(1, Head, num2cell(M));
xlswrite(FileName, Data)
  댓글 수: 5
Mario 2017년 8월 8일
I just used this line of code for retreiving Column names in another function (for further work), and saw that this code:
Head = get(handles.Results_table, 'ColumnName');
gives me the appropriate ColumnNames that matches the data in M, so now I am not sure where the error is regarding using cat.
Mario 2017년 8월 8일
I figured it out.
For some reason, the ColumnName that I extracted from handles.Results_table and stored it in Head had column names in a vertical order. That is why cat was giving me error, so by using:
and place them horizontaly, I was able to solve the problem.

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