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How can I eliminate as many loops as possible from the following code?

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Ba Ba Black Sheep!
Ba Ba Black Sheep! 2017년 8월 5일
댓글: Jan 2017년 8월 5일
The following source code uses 4 loops at a time. My program is deadly slow.
How can I eliminate as many loops as possible from the following code?
% iterate through each pixel in the
% line mask from left to right
for y=1:height%yyy
for x=1:width%xxx
pR = [x, y];
t_k_sqr = old_thickness * old_thickness;
vvv = w1_ .* old_var_k + w2_ .* t_k_sqr;
new_var_k = max(vvv, k_min);
up = 1;
[dotted_image, top_y] = rg_traverse(dotted_image, pR, dS, dimension, up, new_var_k);
down = -1;
[dotted_image, bottom_y] = rg_traverse(dotted_image, pR, dS, dimension, down, new_var_k);
old_thickness = abs(bottom_y - top_y);
old_var_k = new_var_k;
function [output_image, y] = rg_traverse(input_image, pR, dS, dimension, direction, var_k)
threshold = 0.1;
white = 255;
output_image = input_image;
pI_previous = pR;%(x, y) %tested
pI_present = [pR(1), pR(2)-direction];
pI_present_x = pI_present(1);
pI_present_y = pI_present(2);
[height, ~] = size(input_image);
max_sim_value = 0.2;
while (1)
% calculate (x,y) from direction
x = pI_present_x;
y = y-direction;
pI_present = round([x, y]);
% get 5 neighboring points
pTx5 = rg_get_5_up_ptr(input_image, pI_present);
% find the point with max similarity value
[max_point, max_sim_value] = rg_max_similarity(input_image, pR, pTx5, dS, pI_previous, dimension, var_k);
% set pixel to white/black at that point
if (max_sim_value>=threshold)
output_image = image_set(output_image, max_point(1), max_point(2), white);
pI_previous = pI_present;
str = {num2str(pI_present), num2str(max_point), num2str(max_sim_value)};
write_string('rg_traverse_up.txt', str);
if max_sim_value<threshold
if y==1
if y==height

답변 (1개)

Jan 2017년 8월 5일
I think you cannot get rid of any of the loop. In the loops of the main function, you call rg_traverse. To omit the loops, it would be required to vectorize rg_taverse. But there the function rg_get_5_up_ptr, rg_max_similarity, image_set and write_string are called. It is not clear, what these functions do, but obviously the while(1) loop show, that this is an iterative process. And in consequence a vectorization is impossible: You do not know in advnace how many iterations are needs. So how could you porcess this as a vector?
Most likely the vectorization is not your goal at all, but you want to accelerate the code. Then use the profiler to find the piece of code, which takes the most time to run. Concentrate on these line or lines only. It is not worth to accelerate a part of the code, which takes 1% of the total runtime - if you improve the speed by a factor of 2, the total code is only 0.5% faster.
  댓글 수: 2
Ba Ba Black Sheep!
Ba Ba Black Sheep! 2017년 8월 5일
편집: Ba Ba Black Sheep! 2017년 8월 5일
Profiler indicates if(mask(y,x)) to be the most time-consuming.
Jan 2017년 8월 5일
Really? This means, that the mask is huge and contains only a very small number of true elements. Then replace:
for y=1:height%yyy
for x=1:width%xxx
pR = [x, y];
[i1, i2] = find(mask);
for k = 1:numel(i2)
pR = [i2(k), i1(k)];
Does this help?

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