what is the meaning of this error?

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
NagaRani  Adireddy
NagaRani Adireddy 2017년 7월 20일
답변: Massimo Zanetti 2017년 7월 20일
I just want to open the .pdf file with adobereader using matlab.For this I used these commands
x = 'rani.pdf';
str = sprintf('AdbeRdr11010_en_US.exe %s', x);
while running this I got the output as "'AdbeRdr11010_en_US.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. " what it means? how can i open the pdf file is there any alternative?

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Massimo Zanetti
Massimo Zanetti 2017년 7월 20일
Here the problem is not related to Matlab..
As far as I know opening a pdf from command line in Windows goes like this: path> start filename.pdf
provided path string points to the folder where the pdf is in..

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