Convert Block : real world value vs stored integer

조회 수: 23 (최근 30일)
shauk 2017년 7월 13일
댓글: shauk 2017년 7월 18일
in the convert block from simulink, there is a option to chose from real world value vs stored integer values which will be equal for input and output. Can any one explain in a bit details what they mean. Because i get complete different result when i chose either one of them

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Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang 2017년 7월 13일
You mean the "Data Type Conversion" block? Click "help" at the block dialog to see the document of this block. It only applies when you convert fixed-point data types.
When you convert between fixed-point data types, the Input and output to have equal parameter controls block behavior.
  댓글 수: 1
shauk 2017년 7월 18일
thanks found it. I was looking at the wrong place before posting this question.

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