How to save vector columnwise in Excel file

조회 수: 28 (최근 30일)
Atinesh Singh
Atinesh Singh 2017년 6월 22일
댓글: Nut 2017년 6월 23일
Suppose I am generating a column vector randomly 30 times and each time I wish to save it in the Excel column. Can anybody tell me how to do it.
for i=1:30
vec = randn(5,1);
%%Save vec in excel file
  댓글 수: 2
Jan 2017년 6월 22일
What is "the Excel column"? Do you want to save all vectors in the same column, or each vector in its own column?
Atinesh Singh
Atinesh Singh 2017년 6월 22일
Each vector in different consecutive columns

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Jan 2017년 6월 22일
편집: Jan 2017년 6월 22일
ExcelFile = fullfile(tempdir, 'YourFile.xlsx');
for i = 1:30
vec = randn(5,1);
colName = xlsColNum2Str(i);
xlswrite(ExcelFile, vec, sprinft('%s1:%s%d', colName, colName, numel(vec)));
It might be easier or faster, to create a matrix and save it as a block:
mat = randn(5, 30);
Range = sprinft('%s1:%s%d', xlsColNum2Str(1), xlsColNum2Str(5), numel(vec));
xlswrite(ExcelFile, mat, Range);
xlswrite can guess the range, if the sheet was specified:
mat = randn(5, 30);
xlswrite(ExcelFile, mat, 1, 'B2');

Nut 2017년 6월 22일
this code could be valid for you:
for i=1:30
vec = randn(5,1);
% Syntax: xlswrite(filename,A,sheet,xlRange)
xlswrite('Workbook.xlsx',vec,1,[letters num2str(1)])
But you need "letters": it is a string corresponding to the column where you want to write the variable "vec".
If to save in Excel for each iteration is not a constraint, you can avoid this. First, you should generate the whole matrix to be exported in Excel, and finally write it into the workbook. I think this way is also more efficient.
mtx = zeros(5,30);
for i=1:30
mtx(:,i) = randn(5,1);
% Syntax: xlswrite(filename,A)
  댓글 수: 2
Atinesh Singh
Atinesh Singh 2017년 6월 23일
I know saving the entire matirx would be easier and faster, but in my case vector are generating dynamically hence I have to save them column by column.
Nut 2017년 6월 23일
Ok. So, the issue is how to generate the string corresponding to the name of the Excel column. I use a my own code to do this, but you can refer to the answer by Jan Simon: it calls a ready-to-use function from Matlab Exchange, so it should be a better way.

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