app designer output data

조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
Kenneth Befus
Kenneth Befus 2017년 6월 15일
답변: Abhinav 2023년 7월 5일
How can I save app designer data as an output file, like a .csv? How can I save app designer figures? When will this functionality be added?
  댓글 수: 1
Kenneth Befus
Kenneth Befus 2017년 6월 15일
bb = linspace(-pi,pi,50); y = 5*sin(bb); plot(app.UIAxes, bb,y);
assignin('base', 'bbb', bb)
There will be a 'bbb' data added to the normal matlab workspace

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답변 (2개)

Kanishk Singhal
Kanishk Singhal 2023년 7월 5일
You may want to look at uisave. This saves your data at your selected location in dialog box. This will save in a mat-file.
If you specifically want a .csv file this stackoverflow answer might help.
Hope this answers your question.

Abhinav 2023년 7월 5일
There are quite a few ways of going about your problem.
  • you could use assignin() to move your data to the workspace as per your suggestion. Documentation
  • Use this setappdata function to store data in a UI. You can retrieve the data elsewhere in your code using the getappdata function. Both of these functions provide a convenient way to share data between callbacks or between separate UIs.
  • If you want to write the saved data to a csv file, you can use the writematrix function


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