how can i delete unnecessary rows in a dataset?

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Nadeera Gunartna
Nadeera Gunartna 2017년 6월 7일
댓글: Jan 2017년 6월 7일
Dear Colleagues, Herewith I am attaching my dataset. I want to delete the full rows that contain "GB","RW","AR", "AM" and "NB". I would be grateful, if somebody can help me with this. Thanks

답변 (3개)

Guillaume 2017년 6월 7일
A much simpler method
t = readtable('test1.txt'); %optionally give name to columns with 'VariableNames'
t(ismember(t{:, 1}, {'GB', 'RW', 'AR', 'AM', 'NB'}), :) = []
That can easily be written back to a text file with writetable if required.
  댓글 수: 1
Jan 2017년 6월 7일
readtable is so smart. Sometimes this scares me. How does it decide if I want to import a 12 as a string '12'. I know, the documentation clears this. Anyway, +1.

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KSSV 2017년 6월 7일
%%REad the file
fid1 = fopen('test1.txt') ;
S = textscan(fid1,'%s','delimiter','\n') ;
S = S{1} ;
fclose(fid1) ;
%%get lines which have the strings
str = {'GB','RW','AR', 'AM' 'NB'} ;
idx = cell(length(str),1) ;
for i = 1:length(str)
idx1 = strfind(S,str{i});
idx{i} = find(not(cellfun('isempty', idx1)));
idx = cell2mat(idx) ;
%%remove those lines
S(idx) = [] ;
%%write this to text file
fid2 = fopen('test.txt','wt') ;
fclose(fid2) ;
  댓글 수: 2
Nadeera Gunartna
Nadeera Gunartna 2017년 6월 7일
편집: Nadeera Gunartna 2017년 6월 7일
I tried it, but it gives me an error "Conversion to cell from char is not possible". would you mind helping to correct it
filename = 'G:\test1.txt'; delimiter = {',',':'}; formatSpec = '%s%s%s%s%s%*s%*s%s%[^\n\r]'; fileID = fopen(filename,'r'); dataArray = textscan(fileID, formatSpec, 'Delimiter', delimiter, 'ReturnOnError', false); fclose(fileID);
str = {'GB','AB','RW','AR','AM','NB','NH'} ; idx = cell(length(str),1) ; for i = 1:length(str) idx1 = strfind(dataArray,str{i}); idx{i} = find(not(cellfun('isempty', idx1))); end idx = cell2mat(idx); dataArray(idx) = [];
raw = repmat({''},length(dataArray{1}),length(dataArray)-1); for col=1:length(dataArray)-1 raw(1:length(dataArray{col}),col) = dataArray{col}; end
Jan 2017년 6월 7일
편집: Jan 2017년 6월 7일
Please format the code using the "{} Code" button. Then post the complete error message, such that we do not have to guess, where the problem occurres.
See my answer for some ideas.

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Jan 2017년 6월 7일
편집: Jan 2017년 6월 7일
With some guessing:
filename = 'G:\Albania\SIC\DS1\RPM10.txt';
delimiter = ',:';
formatSpec = '%s%s%s%s%s%*s%*s%s%[^\n\r]';
fileID = fopen(filename,'r');
dataArray = textscan(fileID, formatSpec, 'Delimiter', delimiter, ...
'ReturnOnError', false);
str = {'GB','AB','RW','AR','AM','NB','NH'} ;
remove = ismember(dataArray{1}, str);
for k = 1:numel(dataArray)
dataArray{k}(remove) = [];
The part for importing the data looks far to complicated. What is the wanted result for e.g.
? Wouldn't it be easier to read this by:
delimiter = ',';
formatSpec = '%s %f %f %f %f %s';


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