I need to calculate lat and long for other point. Given one lat long and bearing.

조회 수: 32 (최근 30일)
Manoj Pai
Manoj Pai 2017년 5월 23일
댓글: Ted Shultz 2020년 4월 8일
How to apply Vincenty's formulae in Matlab. http://www.geomidpoint.com/destination/
  댓글 수: 1
Manoj Pai
Manoj Pai 2017년 5월 23일
Consider one point is 12.9435584 77.5620174 with bearing 0 deg and distance 100 m I need to calculate the other lat and long.

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답변 (2개)

Ted Shultz
Ted Shultz 2018년 10월 11일
편집: Ted Shultz 2018년 10월 11일
The Matlab function reckon is what you are looking for. For plotting the track, use track1.
Here is an example for the values you gave:
dist = 100; %meters
distUnits = 'm';
% Convert input distance to earth degrees (Lat, Lon are typicaly given in degrees)
arclen = rad2deg(dist/earthRadius(distUnits));
[latOut,lonOut] = reckon(latIn, lonIn,arclen,az)
results in:
latOut =
lonOut =
  댓글 수: 2
Tareq Rahmani
Tareq Rahmani 2020년 4월 8일
Hi Ted ,
If I have a point X1(lat1,lon1) and X2(lat2,lon2)
and I have point Y with d1 distance ( in m) from X1 and d2 from X2.
How can i get the lat and lon of point Y ?
thanks very much
Ted Shultz
Ted Shultz 2020년 4월 8일
This is a new question. Starting a new question will get you the best answer, and will be the most useful to other people in the future searching for the same information.

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10B 2017년 5월 26일
I think you need this: https://uk.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/5379-geodetic-distance-on-wgs84-earth-ellipsoid


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