Simulink finds deleted or renamed library file

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Kristian 2017년 5월 23일
답변: Fangjun Jiang 2017년 5월 24일
-- Matlab R2014b 32bit --
I have a model oopen which contains a library block. Now I close this model but keep Matlab open. Then I go to the folder which contains the model and the library file and rename or even remove the library file. Then I open the model again, and it still finds the library which does not exist anymore. I can even select "Go to library block" and get there as if it would still exist.
This is very silly. I need to close Matlab completely to get rid of it. How to fix that?

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Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang 2017년 5월 24일
Yes. The library model is most likely open but hidden.
You could run either of these two commands to force closing it.

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