Cropping image without using imcrop or imresize

조회 수: 24 (최근 30일)
Alex Flores
Alex Flores 2017년 5월 20일
답변: Walter Roberson 2017년 5월 20일
Hey guys, So I have to crop a bunch of loaded in images without using imresize or imcrop to dimensions 120x129. I also have to plot all of the images onto a single figure. Ive tried a few things and nothing seems to work. This is the code I used to load in all of the images
imageFiles= dir('*.jpg')
for ii=1:nFiles

답변 (1개)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2017년 5월 20일
imcrop() works by indexing parts of the array. imcrop(A, [x y width height]) is
A(y:y+height-1, x:x+width-1, :)
There are multiple ways to resize images. One of them involves fft2(). One of them involves interp2(). One of them involves wavelets. There are other ways.


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