force scalar signal to be a 1D array

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Aditya Kumar
Aditya Kumar 2017년 5월 18일
답변: Suhan 2017년 5월 24일
I have a use-case, where I need to force a scalar input signal, say u1 to a subystem test1 in a Simulink model, to be treated as a 1D array with 1 element. In particular, when I generate C-code from test1, instead of the input being declared as "static real_T test1_U_u1;", I need it to be declared as "static real_T test1_U_u1[1];". Is there a way to do this either in Simulink and/or via some settings for code generation? Please let me know at the earliest. I am using R2015b with Simulink, Matlab and embedded coders. Thanks. -Aditya

답변 (1개)

Suhan 2017년 5월 24일
Currently, this is not possible in Simulink. However, one alternative to consider depending on the use case is to use a custom storage class for the variable and set it to "ImportedExternPointer". A example of this can be found in the documentation here:
Another alternative which is much simpler is to specify Variable-size within a subsystem Inport. Select support for variable-sized signal in the signal attributes and make sure to enter a maximum dimension for the vector and uncheck the interpolate data option. This will generate variable sized assignments.


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