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Data not being filtered out by threshold
조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
이전 댓글 표시
I am trying to create touch down and take off events on my centre of pressure data, however the threshold I have created seems to consistently come in one frame too early.
The threshold is allowing data below (-0.51) the set value (<2) through. Even when the threshold is increased this is happening. So i am constantly left with a negative value as first touch down before the actual touch down occurs one frame later.
This is the code i am using to create the events:
Air = zeros(length(mm3),1);
for n = 1:length(mm3)
if mm3(n,2) < 2
Air(n,1) = 1;
Edges = diff(Air); % Steigung kennzeichnet aufsteigende und abfallende Kante
TOPressure = find(Edges==1); % Absprungzeitpunkte
TDPressure = find(Edges==-1);
TOPressure = TOPressure(5:55,1);
TDPressure = TDPressure(5:55,1);
TOPressure = TOPressure(2:47,1);
TDPressure = TDPressure(1:46,1);
댓글 수: 2
2017년 5월 10일
I do not see a relation between the description and the code. The code does not contain any threshold. What does "seems to come one frame too early" exactly mean? Which variable is concerned?
By the way: You can create Air directly without pre-allocation and a loop:
Air = double(mm3(:, 2) < 2);
답변 (1개)
Santhana Raj
2017년 5월 11일
If you see the help of diff, it says: diff(X), for a vector X, is [X(2)-X(1) X(3)-X(2) ... X(n)-X(n-1)].
So, in your case, 80th element of Air is actually 1. And when you use diff, 79th element of TOPressure is Air(80)-Air(79), (which is actually the edge).
댓글 수: 2
Santhana Raj
2017년 5월 22일
Yes. It looks so.
Easiest way out would be to add 1 to the result of find. another way is to adjust the result of diff by one position.
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