2d plot of a function with two variables
조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
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I'm trying to represent a waveform on a transmission line given by the following formula:
I need to plot the amplitude y versus distance x along the line at time (t) = 0
Do I need a for loop to do this?
댓글 수: 1
답변 (2개)
Star Strider
2017년 5월 9일
Since ‘t=0’ (or any other constant), this becomes a univariate function. You can plot it with fplot (or ezplot):
A = 42; % Substitute Correct Value
phase_constant = 2*pi*rand; % Substitute Correct Value
freq = 60; % Substitute Correct Value
y = @(x,t) A*sin(phase_constant*x-2*pi*freq*t);
fplot(@(x) y(x,0), [0 10])
댓글 수: 0
Santhana Raj
2017년 5월 9일
No.You need not. generate vectors of x and t. Then implement the function for y. Use mesh to plot result.
Remember to use the operator '.*' instead of * for element by element multiplication of a matrix/array/vector.
댓글 수: 0
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