I need to plot a graph based as shown in the attached image. I have written the coding for the equation which is in attached image;
%First way: I defined it as a function and I got a graph but with no plot at all.
f = @(Le, P) pi*a*d*Le+sqrt((pi^2*G*E*d^3)/2);
ezplot(f, [0.0 Le])
%Second way: It would be helpful if you could also tell me how to plot if I write the equation coding by the following way;
%The reason I write like the second way is because I am writing set of equations as a function, later I will solve this function to get a simulation.
Please note that the values of the other variables were already defined in the function as the following;
a=3.0, d=14, Le=0.46, G=6.0, E=60
I am getting a graph with no plot. I only need to get that line graph (as shown in the image) marked as "prediction", not the scattered (experiment) plot.
Can someone help me correct it please?