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use of find command for 3d array

조회 수: 23 (최근 30일)
Hall marokey
Hall marokey 2017년 3월 15일
댓글: Guillaume 2017년 3월 15일
How to use find command for a 3d array
eg. A = rand(5,5,3)
I want to get i,j,k location of the array A for value [0.5 ,0.2,0.3]
psuedo code
[i,j,k] = find(A(:,:,1) == .5 & A(:,:,2)== 0.2 & A(:,:,3) ==0.3)
but this is not working any help is highly appreciated

채택된 답변

Guillaume 2017년 3월 15일
편집: Guillaume 2017년 3월 15일
For arrays with more than two dimensions you have to get the linear index (1 output version of find) and then transform that into ND indices using ind2sub:
idx = find(yourlogicalarray);
[row, col, page] = ind2sub(size(yourlogicalarray), idx);
However, in your example the array you're passing to find is a 2D array, not 3D. So, in your case:
[row, col] = find(A(:,:,1) == .5 & A(:,:,2)== 0.2 & A(:,:,3) ==0.3);
is all that is required. And to get the 3 values that match these coordinates:
A(row, col, :)
  댓글 수: 2
Jan 2017년 3월 15일
편집: Jan 2017년 3월 15일
+1. A marginal note: Some years ago I asked the support if expressions like ".5" and "5." are guaranteed to work and if this is documented. The answer was: "We don't know. Everything, which can be created by sprintf, is supported. Stay at this." All interpreters I know accept ".5" so I think this is just a question of taste - but not documented. :-)
Guillaume 2017년 3월 15일
To be honest, I just copy/pasted the original code for that bit. Didn't even notice the .5 (and the inconsistent use of blank spaces).
That the answer is "We don't know" is alarming! I would expect the grammar of the parser to be well defined, not left to random chance. As far as I know, both are perfectly fine.

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추가 답변 (1개)

Adam 2017년 3월 15일
doc ind2sub
Use the standard form of find that returns linear indices and convert them using ind2sub to 3d.


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