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Add phase shift to sum of sines

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
salvor 2017년 3월 14일
편집: Ed Marquez 2017년 3월 24일
Hi everybody,
I have a sum of three sine waves with different frequencies. How can I get the same sines sum shifted of 90degrees?
Thank you

채택된 답변

Ed Marquez
Ed Marquez 2017년 3월 24일
편집: Ed Marquez 2017년 3월 24일
You could implementing something along the lines of:
x = sin(linspace(0, 10*pi, 10000));
x_shift = zeros(1, numel(x));
x_shift(1:9000) = x(1001:10000);
hold on
You can check more solutions from the community in this post: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/45939-how-to-do-a-phase-shift-of-a-signal

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