Multi-threading with .net framework

조회 수: 6 (최근 30일)
Seyedfarid Ghahari
Seyedfarid Ghahari 2017년 3월 8일
댓글: Guillaume 2017년 3월 8일
When I run following code, I expect to see mixed printing from both functions. However, they run sequentially not in parallel. How can I change this code to force Matlab prints results from both functions together? Is there anyway without using Parallel computing?
divDel = NetDocDelegate.delInteger(@Run);
asyncRes{1} = divDel.BeginInvoke(1,[],[]);
if asyncRes{1}.IsCompleted == false
asyncRes{2} = divDel.BeginInvoke(2,[],[]);
function ret = Run(l)
for i=1:100000
ret = l;

답변 (1개)

Guillaume 2017년 3월 8일
Matlab is single threaded. There is no way for both delegate to run simultaneously. You would indeed need the parallel toolbox to do something like that.
  댓글 수: 3
Seyedfarid Ghahari
Seyedfarid Ghahari 2017년 3월 8일
편집: Guillaume 2017년 3월 8일
Indeed, I am trying to call and run a third party in parallel from Matlab (e.g., calling running several external softwares from matlab but not in series). I wrote this code:
global RunDel
RunDel = NetDocDelegate.delInteger(@Run);
parfor l=1:2;
asyncRes = RunDel.BeginInvoke(l,[],[]);
function ret = Run(l)
global Analyze
ret = Analyze{l}.RunAnalysis();
where "Analyze{}" is an object defined to run a specific software. It is an array, because I would like to open and run that software twice. I get "Cannot load an object of class 'delInteger'" error. If I put "RunDel = NetDocDelegate.delInteger(@Run);" inside the parfor loop I get this error: "MATLAB cannot determine whether "NetDocDelegate" refers to a function or variable". Do you have any comment?
Guillaume 2017년 3월 8일
Sorry, I know nothing about the way the parallel toolbox works, so I'll just point you to this post (and the follow-ups) which may or may not help you.

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