Matrix output in live script doesn't display more than 5 columns

조회 수: 6 (최근 30일)
Steffen Weerheijm
Steffen Weerheijm 2017년 3월 6일
답변: Wesley Ratnakumar 2020년 1월 24일
Matrix outputs in a live script doesn't display more than 5 columns, but there are 7 columns in the variable.
The version I'm using is 2017a (prerelease), so it might be a bug?
Here you see variable oplH having 7 columns, but you can only see the first 5.
The code:
H = [2 0 0 -1 0 0 0; %Cu
1 0 0 0 0 -8 0; %S
0 1 0 0 0 0 -2; %H
0 0 1 0 -1 0 0; %N
0 0 3 0 -1 0 -1]; %O
oplH = 2*rref(H)

답변 (2개)

Wesley Ratnakumar
Wesley Ratnakumar 2020년 1월 24일
Use disp(variable),
in the next line to get the output insted of leaving an open semi-colon. This will show the output as in your command prompt.
i.e. disp(H) in your case.
I have tried this in 2019a and 2018b.

Markus Suuronen
Markus Suuronen 2018년 11월 17일
I had a similar problem, which was fixed when I added
format short
to the beginning of the live script.


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