MC/DC Code coverage not possible integrating BullseyeCoverage tool

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Marco Massaro
Marco Massaro 2017년 2월 24일
Hello, According to this help page it is possible integrating LDRA tools or BullseyeCoverage tool to perform the MC/DC coverage analysis. The Bullseye support have confirmed to me their tool is not able to perform MC/DC analysis, but just the simple C/D (as they state on their webpage. So, some questions raise: 1) Is it yet possible executing MC/DC code coverage even if BullseyeCoverage tool does not perform this kind of analysis ? Otherwise, I think it should be specified in the above mathworks help page. 2) If another coverage analysis tool (different from BullseyeCoverage and LDRA tools) was used, would it be possible somehow tracing to the model corresponding to the code under test ?

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