Substituting variable into equation

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Rakesh Jain
Rakesh Jain 2017년 2월 11일
댓글: Walter Roberson 2017년 2월 11일
I am attaching a snippet of the program which I am doing.
yt = ilaplace(y_syms)
syms t
yred = ilaplace(r)
syms t A1
eqn = limit(yt,t,inf)==limit(yred,t,inf);
A1 = solve(eqn,A1)
error = yt - yred
I calculated the value of A1 using solve command as above. My error is a function of A1 and t. But the value of A1 calculated using 'solve' is not getting substituted automatically into error equation. What should be the way out.

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Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2017년 2월 11일
subs(error, sym('A1'), A1)
Note: please do not use "error" as the name of a variable. "error" is a key MATLAB routine to control handling of error conditions;
  댓글 수: 2
Rakesh Jain
Rakesh Jain 2017년 2월 11일
Is there any sample program or toolbox available in matlab to perform model reduction of a system using Genetic algorithm
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2017년 2월 11일
I do not know. I have not encountered one myself, but since there are over 4 billion web sites, I have not had time to check.

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