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GUI made in 2015a not working in 2016b

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Eric Roots
Eric Roots 2017년 2월 6일
답변: Daivaraj P 2017년 7월 3일
I made a GUI in GUIDE in the 2015a release that worked fine, but after upgrading to 2016b the sizes of all the components are all off, to the point where most of them don't even show up (screen grabs attached).
I tried a couple of things after searching around, including the links below, but none have made a difference. Has anyone had similar problems / found a solution?
These are some of the things I've tried
: https://github.com/RodentDataAnalytics/mwm-ml-gen/issues/1 https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/153254-matlab-scaling-issue-on-high-resolution-high-dpi-displays http://undocumentedmatlab.com/blog/graphic-sizing-in-matlab-r2015b http://undocumentedmatlab.com/blog/working-with-non-standard-dpi-displays
GUI in 2015a:
GUI in 2016b:
The main plot shows up more or less then same, but all of buttons are pushed off-screen. Any help would be appreciated.
  댓글 수: 3
Eric Roots
Eric Roots 2017년 2월 6일
I'm using normalized units. Even from within GUIDE, the components are off-screen, i.e. I can't even scroll up to see them. I guess I could open the object browser and reset all the positions, but I'd rather not have to do this seeing as I have several other GUI's I'd have to do it for as well.
Adam 2017년 2월 6일
Normalised units do tend to be a bit buggy, especially if you have nested panels. I have had many problems with disappearing components when I have had, e.g. a slider inside a penal inside another panel. Often I end up having to change all the units to pixels and only switch back to normalised once I have positioned everything (which can be done all in one go in the menu options at the top by allowing your UI to be resizable)

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답변 (1개)

Daivaraj P
Daivaraj P 2017년 7월 3일
Hi Eric Roots,
I have removed the nested panels created in earlier version of Matlab GUI, now I can able to see all my GUI objects.


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